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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Showing Off Some Recent Sewing Projects

Earlier I started a post about some fun things I have been sewing up the past few days. But then I realized that I need to take some better pictures before I can actually post that one.  

Somehow this week I have found lots of free time to actually sew and make some fun stuff. It may be because I am finally slowing down a little on trying to prepare the house for the new baby and working myself to the ground. I decided that I am going to take these next couple of months a little easy and do some things I enjoy. 
My second pregnancy has been a lot more rough on me than the first.  I have seemed to developed carpal tunnel on my right side and my sciatica is worse than before. Just to name a few things. I know sewing isn't exactly taking it easy on my wrist, but I just found my wrist brace and promise myself I will wear it. Haha.

These are just a couple of projects that I have made that I did not use a tutorial on so this won't be a very detailed post. If you have any questions on how I made any of these, leave a comment below. 

This first little creation is just a pouch that I originally attached with sticky velcro onto the back of Elise's high chair.  I plan to store some bibs in there for quick access. Last night Elise ripped the pouch right off, both sides of the velcro and all.  Fortunately for me, I just bought some awesome fabric glue the other day.  I just glued that bad boy on last night and tested it out this morning. The pouch now functions as it should.  I also decided this morning that I should probably try to attach a button and loop to help keep this thing shut and hold the bibs in. 

I pretty much felt like a genius when I came up with this idea for storage.

I also made this little do-hickey... I have no idea what to call this... it basically just ties around the 2 door handles and makes it so you can open and close your child's door quietly when they are sleeping. Ta-da! 

Last is this nightmare of a creation in progress...

 Here's why it's been a headache of a project:

I originally bought this material to make a small tote for a friend's daughter.  Then I realized that I did not order enough fabric for the tutorial I was going to use.  Turns out that since both fabric prints are directional, I could not use that tutorial. So I looked through my Sewing Board on Pinterest to find an easy tote tutorial.  I came across this one Color Block Tote and thought, "heck yes, this will be easy and perfect". 

Well, once again, I did not check the final measurements of this bag and after sewing the basic bag together I realized, "Oh my gosh, this is way too big for even a tall 6 year old".  I was devastated b/c I really wasn't sure how to go back and fix this. I sure as heck wasn't going to spend a good 30-40 ripping seams and then trying to reconfigure this. 

My solution was I would fold the upper half in and that would make it less tall.  Then I figured she could use it as a beach bag.  I was going to skip the part in the tutorial of inserting a liner, but then realized that this bag is too floppy without one and I will now somehow have to figure out the new measurements for the liner... and find some fabric for it. 

I really wanted to make an inner pocket for the bag...since it would now be a beach/pool bag.  I sewed one up with some leftover fabric pieces. I then realized I had no idea how I would attach this pocket to the bag without having random stitching showing on one side of the bag... so I DEFINITELY have to make a liner for this and figure out how I will attach it to the liner. 

I then pinned on my straps, and the inside pocket.  Tried the bag on for size... yeah, definitely still too big for a 6 year old. So, last night I finally decided to put the project on hold for now to give myself a break from the frustration.  
I seriously spent the better part of my day working on this thing.  I just kept running into problems with this thing and would think that I found the solution but then something else would come up. I will eventually finish the bag and probably end up gifting it to someone else and go back to my original tote pattern for the 6 year old and pick up different fabric. 

So here is where it stands right now: 
It measures 18" W 16" H 
Now I just need to think of someone who likes giraffes?! LOL 

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