"You Are My Sunshine"
This is where it begins...the invitation. (side note: I could've sworn I took a lot better of a picture than this, but when I looked through my pictures, this is all I had. Sad day!)
Now, I am fortunate enough to have this amazing husband who bought me this glorious cutting machine called Silhouette Cameo. <click the link to check them out> I could go on and on about why this machine is one of my favorite inventions, haha. I will just tell you a few things for now:
- Not only can you cut paper but this little gem also cuts vinyl, fabric, adhesive labels, and it also prints for smaller projects.
- You can cut out stencils for ink stencilling onto fabric, or you can cut fabric with the fabric interfacing, and you can cut out heat transfer material...thus, you can design just about anything you want to transfer onto fabric or clothes.
- All of the designs are done on your home computer which will also use the fonts that you already have. No need for expensive cartridges for every little project! They also have a HUGE online store for designs that you can purchase, and most are only $.99! AND, every week, there is a new FREE design of the week for you to download! Score!
I know you can't see the lettering in this shot, but I wanted to show that we hung this near the entryway with the party favors and clothespins for the "Baby Word Game".
It looks like I am starting out with the decorations so I will show you my next banner. (then we'll get into the yummy food and some fun baby shower games)
Here is a shot of it where you can see the letters the best. This is when I finished it at home. This is a more simple banner. I used my machine to cut out circles with a scalloped edge then cut out the letters. Used some double sided sticky tabs to stick the letters on. Hole punched a couple holes in the top (I have found this is the best way to do it vs. just one hole) then threaded it through some matching ribbon. Between each circle I tied on some white/cream tulle to give it a little flair. You could also add on some wire ribbon along with the tulle (I didn't think of this until it was too late).
I know you can't see the letters in this, but this just shows you how I hung the banner behind the food table. I added some tissue poms to hide the pins I hung the banner with. I used this same trick on the banner I made for Elise's party. In fact, yes, those are the same exact tissue poms. They were hanging in Elise's room so I just borrowed them from her. haha.
In a picture to come you will see framed: Tori's ultrasound picture and another piece of subway art I created on the Silhouette that says "You Are My Sunshine"
Next are the favors and prices I put together:
Here are the prizes I put together.
- Candy Shaped Washcloths. Here is the link to the tutorial. The only thing I did different was use adult washcloths so that the girls that won them could actually use them.
- Next are just body poofs. You know, those little mesh spongey things we girls love to use in the shower. I just wrapped those in some pretty cellophane and tied them with cute ribbon. This is what I had attempted to do but failed miserably... "Cupcake" Favors. I obviously gave up and went for something not as cute.
- Last was just a mini bottle of Bath and Body Works' Sweet Pea hand sani.
Here's one of the favors I made. I will post a separate easy tutorial on how to put these together. Not that I don't think you could figure it out on your own...but just in case.
Alas, the food!

The menu: (as you can see on the table, I also made labels for the food on the table)
- Veggie Tray with dip (from Costco)
- Quiche Lorraine and Spinach w/ Artichoke Quiche (I had originally planned on using mini quiche but Costco was out, so I got 2 full sized quiche in one pack from Costco)
- Lemon Creme cookies
- Raspberry Lemonade Punch- 1 or 2 cans frozen raspberry lemonade, 2 liter Lemon/Lime Soda or one of those jugs of Lemon Lime soda that are bigger than a 2 liter, 1 regular tub of raspberry sherbet. Float some cute little mini rubber duckies on top!
Fondue Station Menu:
I made this sweet little sign stand (easel) with my Silhouette. I think I will be using that design a lot in the future. The sign I just used a border punch on a piece of cardstock and stuck on the menu I printed from my printer.
Last are the games. I so wished I had taken some pictures of the ladies playing them. I think overall everyone enjoyed them.
- Blindfolded Diaper Change-
- To prep: Put diapers on some stuffed animals/dolls and bring an extra diaper for each pretend baby. Bring enough bandanas to use as blindfolds for each girl.
- The game: Put the girls in teams of 2. Have them all sit on the floor, as this is the easiest way to do this. Place a diapered pretend baby in front of them and give them their extra diaper. Then blindfold all of them. The first girl will need to remove the diaper from the pretend baby and then put the new diaper on. Then pass the new diaper to their partner along with the old diaper, then that girl will need to change the diaper. The first ones to finish need to throw their hands up and say "done" and they are the winners.
- We had to do this a little different b/c not as many girls showed up as planned so we had enough for each girl to have her own pretend baby and diaper. The winner was whoever finished first and put the diaper on correctly. This was so funny to watch b/c a couple of the girls had put the diapers on the stuffed animals in the craziest ways. One put a leg and arm in the diaper instead of 2 legs. We were all busting up at this. That is definitely one I had a picture of.
- Baby Word Game- This one is a common game at baby showers. Unfortunately, it was not a successful one at this shower. No one ended up winning this one.
- To prep: Buy enough clothes pins for each guest. You can get the cute mini pink/blue ones that they have at the party or craft store. These are usually around $3.99 for a pack of 5-8. I think these are supposed to be used more for part of your favors or decor. I personally think the beter way to go is to head over to the craft store and buy regular old clothes pins for around $2.99 for 20 or so (sometimes you can even find mini or medium sized versions). Then buy either pink/blue (or whatever color goes with your theme) craft paint for about $.99-$1.49. Then just paint those little clothes pins however you like. Personally I think that is the cheapest fastest method. You could also Mod Podge any color/patterned paper on the craft store clothes pins...but that is a lot more work!
- The Game: Pin to your guests as the arrive or once everyone has arrived you can go around and pin them on everyone and then explain the game all at once. Whatever you prefer. Explain to the guests that any time someone says the word "Baby" you can steal a clothes pin from them when you catch them. Whoever has the most pins at the end of the shower or just before you do your last event (i.e. opening gifts) wins a prize.
- What's In The Bag?-
- To prep: Buy 5-8 small baby related items. You can pick some up for cheap at some of these places: the dollar store, Big Lots, Walgreens or sometimes the grocery store has decent prices. You will also need to pick up some brown paper bags (I got a good size pack at the Dollar Tree). Bag up each item in it's own paper bag and then staple them shut. Number each bag with a marker. *You may want to make your answer list before you bag each item up.* Place all of the bags in a basket or small box. You will also need to provide a piece of paper to each guest for them to write their answers down on. I chose to just make a little template on my computer and print it out. I just put "What's in the bag?" at the top and numbered 1-8 with lines for the answers.
- The Game: You can either place the basket in front of the guests and let them take turns passing along various bags or you can hand them out one by one and give them each an allotted time to feel the bag and write down their guess as to what's inside. At the end, check their answers and whoever has the most correct answers is the winner. You may end up with a couple. Here is a list of the items I used for the game: pacifier (binky, soother, plug), teething ring, baby powder, diaper cream, diaper, 1 baby sock (if you put both that makes it too easy. the girls kept guessing nursing pad, which is a good idea!), spoon, small bottle.
- Guess The Size of Mommy-To-Be's Belly-
- To Prep: purchase either ribbon, string, or use some leftover streamers from your party decor. I just bought a couple rolls of baby themed streamers at the Dollar Tree.
- The Game- have each guest tear off a piece of string/ribbon/streamer that they think will measure around mommy-to-be's belly perfectly. Whoever is the closest (or spot on) is the winner.
Alright, well I think that about covers the first baby shower I have ever thrown. Overall, I think it went pretty well. Unfortunately the weather was a bit awful that day and not as many guests showed up, but we still had a fun little crowd and I was pleased with how my plans turned out.
I just wanted to add that the best part of this is that it was done on a limited budget and I think it can be done with even less than I spent. I am contemplating starting an Etsy store one day where I make homemade party decor. That will probably have to wait until I have a separate craft room though. Until then, I just tell my friends that if they would like me to make anything, that I would love to help. I am willing to work with you on designs and such. So, if you have a party coming up, let me know if you would like something made and let's see if it can be done. Pricing depends on the item and supplies needed.
Your feedback is much appreciated and loved. Please send me some love :)
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